Adrenaline Exploits .... B.A.S.E. JUMP MEXICO


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What you can expect on one of our expeditions.


THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS !!!!!! Despite all efforts to make this expedition as safe as possible, serious injury, and/or death can occur. Expedition members are ultimately responsible for assessing conditions and risks for what they will encounter on this trip.


Due to the expeditionary type of adventure that we provide, as well as politics, weather, serious injuries/death, or acts of g-d, we as expedition organizers can never guarantee the amount of success each expedition may or may not achieve. Based on previous experience we can promise to provide our best efforts to create the ultimate Mexican Big Wall B.A.S.E. expedition.


Big wall B.A.S.E. in Copper Canyon requires the highest level of canopy skills and sub-terminal to terminal B.A.S.E. skills. Expedition members who demonstrate lack of and/or bad judgment, insufficient free-fall or canopy skills will be asked to stop jumping until the end of the expedition, at which time they may or may not be offered a final jump.


Team members are asked to bring two complete BASE rigs that they are comfortable landing in high/low winds ...... anywhere. Do not bring unfamiliar gear on this expedition, as it will not be an excuse when you are asked to stop jumping.


Our expedition officially starts at 6 a.m. from the Juarez Intl. airport. We cover all food, lodging, transportation, permit fees, helicopter services, and guiding/portoring fees. You are responsible for you hotel room at the airport in El Paso, the 45 dollar cab ride across the border to the Juarez Intl. Airport, and any moneys to purchase gifts or alcohol. We'd go broke buying the beer on these trips.